Where am I? Crap! My Wife Lit a Match, and POOF---
--I end up here. (Where's here?)

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Saturday, October 03, 2015

Obama Very Busily Carrying Out His Agenda of One World Government

I mean, he's going to establish UN police forces within the U.S., countering the Constitution and ignoring Congress (who is supposed to be signing and establishing treaties) as he continues his defiance of everything American.

And most of you fools (if you're democrats), are buying into it!

You all think he's wonderful BUT, just remember the Germans thought Hitler was wonderful, right up until he started throwing them into the camps!

Is THAT when you begin to wise up?

Sorry friends.  It may already be too late!  There are few patriots left who will pull your fat out of the fire---literally--this time.
The America we once knew, has become the AMERIKA of the Socialist left and the Communists.

Everybody happy now?
Obama And Cohorts in Cahoots with UN Announce Global Police Force to Fight Extremism in US