Where am I? Crap! My Wife Lit a Match, and POOF---
--I end up here. (Where's here?)

Stick around and find out!

Wednesday, February 08, 2017

I Am SO Fed Up With CONGRESS---

--I'm ready to try some really drastic measures to straighten things out. (In my (our) favor, of course!)
We have finally reached the stage of open rebellion. Democrats have openly stated they will oppose everything President Trump proposes, thereby throwing away all sense of decorum, tradition, or common sense in the congress.
They have openly admitted, they will no longer take part in the discussions, or debates on new legislation, or approval of candidates as they are required to do.
Remember one thing-- Schumer and company, having publicly announced they will now OPPOSE EVERY ACTION of the POTUS, have forfeited their rights to be active members of congress, BECAUSE, having strenuously declared their total opposition, they will look like complete fools if they recant! NOBODY would ever believe them again.
Their own goose, they have cooked!
I believe an investigation of these individual opponents will throw light on the criminally seditious statements they have offered—to the point of authorizing open rebellion.
The result is, Congress is broken and it is left to the remaining members of congress to correct this problem.
Such correction may only come in a few remaining legal choices.
1. Ignore the democrats in both bodies of congress by passing those laws/appointments as proposed before either body with a simple majority.
2. Pass resolutions declaring opposition democrats as permanently out of order by their own admission and, therefore, no longer qualified for the seat they hold, ultimately barring them access to their seats on the floor. Enforce these rules with police, or military.
3. Notify each state of the opposing democrat members that, since they are now steadfastly opposed to all legislation and approvals, they should be immediately recalled and new congress members be appointed.
4. Order the justice department to investigate each opposing member of congress for seditious, or rebellious statements which may disqualify that member for legal standing in the congress (and put 'em on trial!)
• 1. conduct or speech inciting people to rebel against the authority of a state or monarch. synonyms: rabble-rousing, incitement to rebel, subversion, troublemaking, provocation.
Definition of rebellion: http://legal-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/Rebellion
1 : opposition to one in authority or dominance
2 a : open, armed, and usually unsuccessful defiance of or resistance to an established government
b : an instance of such defiance or resistance.
REBELLION, crim. law. The taking up arms traitorously against the government and in another, and perhaps a more correct sense, rebellion signifies the forcible opposition and resistance to the laws and process lawfully issued.
2. If the rebellion amounts to treason, it is punished by the laws of the United States with death. If it be a mere resistance of process, it is generally punished by fine and imprisonment. See Dalloz, Dict. h.t.; Code Penal, 209.

Wednesday, January 18, 2017


Inauguration day is a traditional day; a festive day; when a new president is installed to the highest office in the land.  It is a demonstration of the most successful republic in the world, peacefully handing over the reins of power from one president to the next.  It is watched by the world as an example by many, to be emulated. 

It is a day when the politics and pusillanimous propaganda are put aside to recognize the will of the people.


60+ democrats will boycott the inauguration of the 45th president of the United States, Donald J. Trump.  So much for the old wives tail that any person 35 or older is considered qualified to run for president!

I listen to the “pundits” proclaiming, loudly, “they’re all whiny, etc., etc.”  Unfortunately, they are not.
What they are, are revolutionists whose main desire is to overthrow our government.  A government duly elected by the people of the republic.  They, being the communist/socialists hidden behind the name of ‘progressives’, or ‘liberals’ they are, they oppose our form of government.  So much so that it was once the very reason we outlawed the communist party in this country.
Apparently, we should have banned socialism, also.

After all, proposing said overthrow is a felony, hence all of these elected democrat officials are criminals.  It’s conceivable they could be charged with proposing a violent overthrow as their minions fill the streets, damaging property and assaulting honest citizens.

The boycott of our inauguration is an insult to the country as a whole.  Every American, no matter the party affiliation, should be shamed by the actions of these few and should be demanding their removal from the very office they were sworn to uphold.

Every state that elected and forwarded these animals to our congress should be so humiliated; so ashamed by their actions, they should immediately institute a swift recall.  No mercy; all should be removed from office.  These people were not elected to office to overthrow our government!

Let’s call a tyrant (or tyrants) by their name—evil incarnate.

Let’s treat these tyrants as most criminals should be treated—as criminals.

Aside:  I feel so strongly about this mess, I had to sit long enough to write my complaint.  Every American, of ANY party, should be so insulted by this fiasco, their voices should be heard world wide.
And that's why I have started here.
Funny how anger gives you strength, isn't it?